
How your bequest can help 

Thank you for considering supporting the NFSA with a bequest. Your gift to us is a gift to the people of Australia and a way of ensuring that your legacy continues into the future.  

Your gift will help us collect, preserve and share Australia’s ‘living’ archive of almost 4 million film, broadcast and recorded sound items. Every gift is greatly appreciated and will allow you to make a significant contribution in support of our cultural heritage.


How we may use your bequest

Bequests to the NFSA may be directed toward various projects such as preservation, acquisitions, digitisation, film restorations, exhibitions, and education and community programs.

While unspecified gifts are of most value, as our priorities change over time, we would be very happy to discuss bequests for a specific purpose. We would love to hear from you to ensure your intentions and wishes are clearly met so please contact our Fundraising Manager (see below) for a confidential chat.

For an example of what a bequest can help us achieve, read about our Gaywaves Project. This was made possible through the generosity of a bequest from the estate of Dietmar Hollman, and was in accordance with his wishes to preserve Australian radio.

As a Commonwealth statutory agency, we are required to comply with strict accounting and reporting obligations so you can be assured that your gift will be properly used and administered.


Wording for your bequest

We recommend that you seek professional advice or the assistance of a legal advisor when preparing your Will.

If you are making a Will, or adding a codicil (addendum) to an existing Will, you can include a straightforward bequest by using the following suggested words (or similar):

‘I give to the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Acton, Australian Capital Territory (insert either the whole of my estate OR _% of my estate OR the residue of my estate OR the sum of $ _ OR clearly describe asset), for its use and benefit absolutely, and free of all duties and taxes payable upon or in consequence of my death.'

Contact us

For further information about bequests, please email