Aeroplane Pure Fruit Jellies: Bertie the Jet (1954)

Aeroplane Pure Fruit Jellies: Bertie the Jet (1954)
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This animated cinema advertisement for Aeroplane Pure Fruit Jellies shows Bertie the Jet taking part in a popularity air race around Australia. The secret to his energy and stamina is Aeroplane Jelly.

The 'Popularity Cup’ air race is contested between planes from all around the world, including the crowd favourite from Australia – Bertie the Jet. Broadcaster Ken Howard calls the race from his elevated podium. As the race begins, Bertie is left at the post, unaware the others have taken off. However, after a slow start, he breaks the sound barrier, flies past the Three Sisters and under the Sydney Harbour Bridge to cross the finish line in first place.

Little Bertie explains to the broadcaster and the crowd that he has energy and stamina because he ‘always eats Aeroplane Jelly’. As the crowd cheers Bertie, he bursts into song. The next shot shows a table display of jelly-based desserts as the voice-over explains that Aeroplane Jelly sells over ten million packets annually.

Summary by Poppy De Souza