Alyawarre Country: Camels, horses and buggies

Alyawarre Country: Camels, horses and buggies
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following program may contain images and/or audio of deceased persons
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A map of the Frew River area. A voice-over tells us about the inevitable conflict that occurred as a result of the pastoralists coming into contact with the Alyawawarra peoples. Sepia-toned footage (made to look like historic footage) of Indigenous peoples is intercut with live interview material of two elders who tell us the history of the area. Reggie Camphoo Pwerl and Donald Thompson Kemarre tell us that the place they are sitting is Athethew, and the Athethew people used to live in this area and own the Dreaming for this country. They also give us the history that explains why the white people wanted to settle in this area. Summary by Romaine Moreton.