Australia Daze: World's oldest living culture

Australia Daze: World's oldest living culture
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following program may contain images and/or audio of deceased persons
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An Aboriginal protest march took place on Australia’s bicentenary 26 January 1988. An Aboriginal speaker describes the invasion of Australia and the resulting problems of dispossession and poverty. She also says it is a day to celebrate the survival of Aboriginal people. Summary by Damien Parer.

The woman speaking is the Honourable Linda Burney who is an Australian politician. She was the first Aboriginal person to serve in the NSW parliament and in 2016 she became the first Aboriginal woman to be elected to the Australian House of Representatives, winning the federal seat of Barton.

She says '200 years ago, this country was invaded. It was invaded by people that came in and claimed this country under the lie of terra nullius. Empty land, it's not an empty land. It was a land that's been occupied since time immemorial ... this is a year of mourning but it's also a celebration of survival because we've come through a genocide that's been so vicious and so intense that it's amazing that we've survived. We're the oldest living culture in this world and we're proud of it.' 

Notes by Beth Taylor