Australian Biography: Barbara Holborow

Australian Biography: Barbara Holborow
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following program may contain images and/or audio of deceased persons
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Barbara Holborow (1930–2012) served for 12 years as a magistrate in the Children's Court, where her compassion and outspokenness were legendary – perhaps because of her own beginnings.

Barbara married young. It was only after the death of her first child and subsequent split with her husband that she found a job as a legal secretary and resumed her high school studies.

She went on to study law and started practising as a solicitor, specialising in children's cases.

In this interview, Barbara talks openly about the formative influences on her life, the kids she has fostered and adopted and her ongoing commitment to reforming the judicial system for children.

Read a transcript of the complete interview.