Bodyline: Rewriting the record books

Bodyline: Rewriting the record books
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At a garden party, Douglas Jardine (Hugo Weaving), the very model of an English gentleman and a very fine cricketer, is discussing the phenomenon of the young Donald Bradman (Gary Sweet) with his friends and colleagues – all gentlemen players and selectors. There’s Lord Harris (Frank Thring), one of the English selectors and a close friend of Jardine’s family, there’s the former English captain (Rhys McConnochie) and the flamboyant cricketer Percy George Fender, (John Gregg). Jardine says that Bradman is so good he’s going to change the way cricket will be played. His friends disagree, saying that Bradman is a flash in the pan and no match for England’s softer pitches. Summary by Janet Bell.