Bondi Rescue Lifeguard

A lifeguard with his back to the camera watches over Bondi Beach in a scene from Bondi Rescue
Bondi Rescue Lifeguard
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A lifeguard watches over Bondi Beach in a scene from Bondi Rescue Series 1 (2006). 

Each weekend during the summer months as many as 40,000 people can be attracted to Australia’s most popular surfing beach, Bondi. The lifeguards patrol the beach and rescue people caught in rips, apply ice to severe bluebottle stings or help to find lost children. 

The series came about when producer and former lifeguard Ben Davies was able to persuade his ex-colleagues that a series showing how they work would be a great information tool for beachgoers. Executive producer Michael Cordell was quick to see that the series would have its own in-built drama and each week the lifeguards pit themselves against the elements to keep people safe and go head to head against each other in feats of daring in order to keep themselves in peak form.