Brisbane to Adelaide Centenary Air Race

Brisbane to Adelaide Centenary Air Race
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Thirty-one planes took off from Brisbane’s Archerfield Aerodrome for the Brisbane to Adelaide Centenary Air Race of 16–18 December 1936. Several thousand people came to see off the planes at 7.30 am on a clear sunny day.

This film clip begins with footage of the planes and competitors preparing for the big race. Featured are Captain PH (Percival Harry 'Skip') Moody and his Stinson Reliant VH-UTW (number 46) and Freda Thompson’s Gipsy Moth VH-UUC Christopher Robin (number 14) before take-off.

The Ansett Brothers (Jack and Reginald) are seen in the film posing for the camera with their Porterfield VH-UVH (number 25) after a controversial win. In the shade of the wing of Skip Moody's plane Stinson Reliant, a group of female pilots shelter from the hot sun. Nancy Bird wears a summers dress and belt, while Ivy Pearce wears a tailored trim suit featuring an embroidered pair of wings.

Five of Australia’s best female pilots entered the race. Nancy Bird won the Ladies' Trophy; the other female pilots were Maude 'Lores' Bonney, May Bradford, Ivy Pearce and Freda Thompson.