Crossing Tracks - Harry’s War: Djaambi

Crossing Tracks - Harry’s War: Djaambi
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following program may contain images and/or audio of deceased persons
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Mitch (Peter Docker) and Harry (David Ngoombujarra) sit beneath the cover of a tree partly concealed by foliage. They are in the jungle of Papua New Guinea. They talk about raising money for Thomas’ (Glenn Shea) widow. Both men slowly draw on cigarettes. The sound of a mopoke echoes through the jungle. A mopoke or owl. Harry says that he has been waiting for him.

The infantry are gathered around a rock, discussing strategy. They talk about containing the nips. Flashback: Harry, mum (Christina Saunders, dad (Bob Maza), cousin (Pauline Whymen) and Keithy (Sam Kirby) meet the train pulled up to take Harry off to war. Harry bids his family farewell. Keithy runs to the nearest overhanging bridge, ‘Captain Djaambi!’. Present: the jungle of Kokoda; 2nd 14th infantry are stalking through the jungle, guns raised in expectation. Harry motions to Mitch. Harry, his eye focused on the barrel of his gun, has a Japanese soldier in his sights.

Summary by Romaine Moreton