Dr Wright - lead poisoning

Dr Wright - lead poisoning
Mike Walsh AM, OBE Hayden Productions
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Dr Wright, resident medic on The Mike Walsh Show, talks about a lot of serious topics - always with a dose of good humour.

Here he discusses the dangers of lead poisoning for children, exacerbated by the use of lead in petrol and other products.

This clip from The Mike Walsh Show: Episode 9085 is a good example of how the show is a time capsule for issues affecting Australians in the 1970s and early 1980s.

Dr Wright and Mike Walsh guess at what will be the impact of this in 20 years - be it banning motor vehicles or creating lead-free fuel. Today Australian vehicles largely use unleaded petrol or gas (LPG).

Fun facts: Dr Wright is a real doctor and continued his general practice alongside 25 years of appearing on The Mike Walsh Show and The Midday Show talking about medicine. His real name is Dr John Franklin Knight AM.

Notes by Beth Taylor