Dyer, Frederick Simpson: A trip to the cinema

Dyer, Frederick Simpson: A trip to the cinema
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In a burst of colour, eight children of various ages happily stream out of a suburban house and pile (miraculously) into a car waiting outside. The film then cuts to the children getting out of the other side of the car and running across the street. An exterior of a Hoyts cinema reveals their destination, and a title card with the double bill matinee Pack Up Your Troubles indicates the 2pm screening.

On entering the cinema, the footage switches to black and white, which reveals the rows of chairs, and the stage in the front. The cinema screen fills with the picture. We then cut to inside the projection booth and watch the projectionists hard at work. From inside the projection booth, we can see the screen.

Outside the cinema the children climb back into the car. A point-of-view shot of the car driving down the street shows it pass by a tram down a suburban street. The car pulls up before cutting to the final shot of the children (almost 18 of them now) spilling from the car, back home after their day's outing. Summary by Poppy De Souza