Ernest Fisk: menu from dinner with Guglielmo Marconi at the Savoy, London

The front cover of a restaurant menu with a drawing of a lady in formal attire and some flowers. The menu has been signed by a lot of people and dated 21 March 1926.
Ernest Fisk: menu from dinner with Guglielmo Marconi at the Savoy, London
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If any one person was responsible for the establishment of radio in Australia, it was Ernest Fisk, managing director of Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia) Ltd (1916–44).

Fisk began as a trainee radio operator for the Marconi Company. As his career progressed, Fisk became close friends with the company’s founder, radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi, their friendship evident from the surviving correspondence between them.

This menu, from a commemorative dinner attended by both men, was autographed by Marconi and remained one of Fisk’s most treasured personal possessions.

The menu was from The Savoy in London and has been dated 21 March 1923.