The First Anzac Day

The First Anzac Day
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The very first Anzac Day was held on 13 October 1915.

This claim may be controversial, especially as it was not the anniversary of the Gallipoli landing, but evidence confirms that the citizens of Adelaide designated 13 October 1915 to be 'Anzac Day'.

It was planned to coincide with ‘Eight Hour Day’, also known as Labour Day, as it allowed more people to participate during a public holiday.

From 1916, Australia officially commemorated Anzac Day on 25 April each year.

This first Anzac Day, or the 'Patriotic Procession and Carnival' as it was also known, was more a fete – as the title card suggests – rather than the solemn commemoration it is today.

Many of the buildings in Burra seen in this film, including the rotunda, still stand today.