The 'galah premiere' of Buckeye and Pinto and Terror Lostralis

The 'galah premiere' of Buckeye and Pinto and Terror Lostralis
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This clip shows the 1980 'galah premiere' of two indie Australian films at the Valhalla Cinema in Melbourne

Buckeye and Pinto (Dir. Phil Lander. 1979) is spoof on American westerns that doesn't ignore the homosexual subtext. A film about men and their problems. A tale of two cowpokes as they ride across the range of the United States of Australia. Together they shoot everything that moves as they knuckle their way from Syd Francisco to the Kingaroy badlands and Miss Kitty.

Terror Lostralis (Dir. David Shepherd. 1980) A plane crash leaves seven survivors fighting their way through the steaming jungles of Australia, unaware of the passions seething inside of them. Their prejudices, loves and desires are fuelled by their egos and they are set against each other in a battle for supremacy.