Growling Grass Frogs in Melbourne Industry - Brendan John Casey

Growling Grass Frogs in Melbourne Industry - Brendan John Casey
1526732, 1526733, 1526735, 1526736, 1526737
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A series of highlight excerpts from the Brendan John Casey, Bioacoustic Monitoring, Growling Grass Frogs collection, selected by NFSA Sound curator, Tessa Elieff.

"The Growling Grass Frog choruses were recorded as part of my research, titled ‘Bioacoustic Monitoring of Frogs’. The recordings are from the Merri Creek, which flows through the northern suburbs of Melbourne. The recording site was selected without knowing if any Growling Grass Frogs would be recorded. The recordings reveal choruses that start abruptly, continue for hours or days then stop suddenly." Brendan John Casey, 2018.

Recorded on a Song Meter 4 (SM4), by Wildlife Acoustics, USA.
Location: Somerton, Victoria, 37.64, -144.95.
Date: 9th November to 21st Nov, 2017.