Prue Borthwick on 'obscenity' ruling for Gaywaves Lesbian Sex Special

Prue Borthwick on 'obscenity' ruling for Gaywaves Lesbian Sex Special
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Prue Borthwick produced a Lesbian Sex Special for Gaywaves in 1982.

In a 2017 interview with the NFSA, she recalled:

‘It was a mixture of personal stories, music and a soundscape. It was almost like poetry, where a group of us sat with a microphone in someone’s lounge room and recorded short phrases or words that we thought captured sexual sensations and actions.’

After airing the special, 2SER received two complaints and had to face the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, which classified the program as ‘indecent’ and ‘obscene’. 

In this clip from 2SER's Media Magazine program in 1992, Prue talks to Jackie Rundle about the 1982 controversy.