Jimmy Barnes at Australia Unites: The Victorian Bushfire Appeal

Jimmy Barnes at Australia Unites: The Victorian Bushfire Appeal
Nine Network Australia
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After his performance at a telethon to help victims of the devastating 2009 bushfires in Victoria, Jimmy talks to host Eddie McGuire and announces that he has just released a greatest hits album on iTunes and will be donating all proceeds to the bushfire appeal.  

Australia Unites: the Victorian Bushfire Appeal reportedly raised over $20 million for those affected by the Black Saturday fires in which 173 people lost their lives and over 2,000 homes were destroyed. A veteran performer, Jimmy appears very comfortable and natural in front of the live television audience. Sombrely dressed, his only concession to style is his two-tone shoes that McGuire gently mocks him about.

Jimmy is no stranger to charity and fundraising work having variously supported the Cerebral Palsy Foundation, Intensive Care Foundation, Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness and Research Centre and the Red Cross, among others.

Despite his profile as an icon of the Australian music industry this short segment effectively captures an average man genuinely wanting to give back and do something to help those who have suffered. He's not appearing on the show to promote himself, and his integrity and authenticity shine through in this brief clip.