John Farnham with Daryl and Ossie

John Farnham dressed in hat and cape, shaking hands with Daryl Somers, seating at a desk, also wearing a hat and Ossie Ostrich seated beside him wearing a cap.
John Farnham with Daryl and Ossie
Nine Network
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John Farnham was a regular guest throughout the 1970s and '80s on the popular variety show Hey Hey It's Saturday, hosted by Daryl Somers and his sidekick Ossie Ostrich (Ernie Carroll).

As a fan favourite, John was often in the thick of things, as you can see from this still from a late 1970s episode with a dress-up theme.

Hey Hey It's Saturday was renowned for its frequently unscripted, and sometimes controversial, segments and performances. For John, with his seemingly mercurial ability to fit into any situation, the organised chaos of the show would not have been a challenge.

Never one to allow his ego to get in the way, his willingness to make light of himself is captured in this studio photo. Wearing a cape and ill-fitting wig and hat, he looks content to join in the fun.