Kylie’s London book launch

Kylie’s London book launch
Nine Network
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This short news story from October 1999 covers the launch of Kylie, the self-titled book, at Selfridges – a high-end department store in London.  

The book was a large-format, collectible photographic publication capturing Kylie's career from young soap actress through to international pop icon. 

It features works from well-known photographers and artists, alongside more candid and personal contributions from friends and family.  

This news story gives us a glimpse of some the photos and artwork included in the book. Together, they convey a sense of Kylie’s many personae. 

These range from a surprising sepia-toned photo of Kylie naked in bed and the beautifully intimate photo with the late Michael Hutchence, to some highly dubious portrayals such as Kylie riding side-saddle as a nun on a rocking horse and depicted as ‘Indigenous’ on a fake $10 Australian note. 

Fans in London queued for hours to see Kylie and get an autographed copy of the book. In a brief interview, Kylie tells Nine’s reporter, Lane Calcutt, that she’s learned to embrace her past and is not afraid to revisit her early career. 

Notes by Mel Bondfield