La Peine du Talion

La Peine du Talion
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Short film from the French production company Pathé Frères. The title translates to The Penalty of Retaliation.

Opening scene shows people in a garden with nets trying to catch insects. Life size bees appear, then grasshoppers, several dancing insects perform a ballet-style dance. A male botanist then catches an insect and close-up frames show his examination of the insects and butterflies under a microscope.

The life size insects capture the botanist, lay him on a toadstool and stab him in the stomach with a piece of pollen. The botanist is seen writhing in pain. He is then set free and the insects become butterflies.

This film is part of The Corrick Collection of 135 of the world's earliest films, which formed part of the Corrick Family Entertainers variety act over 100 years ago.