Lester Bangs and the most exciting people in music

Lester Bangs and the most exciting people in music
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‘The most exciting people in music are the writers at the moment’, says rock journalist Lillian Roxon boldly in 1973.

In this audio clip, an unidentified journalist interviews Lillian Roxon for radio station 2SM in Sydney. The recording was made around six months before she died.

She name checks fellow music journalists Jon Landau, Lester Bangs (who wrote for Creem and Rolling Stone magazines), Richard Meltzer (who some believe to have invented rock criticism), Lenny Kaye (who also appeared in the Patti Smith Group) and Ed McCormack.

Used with permission from the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney.

The cover image of this title is a photograph of Lester Bangs and Lillian Roxon, courtesy of the family of Lillian Roxon and the book Mother of Rock: The Lillian Roxon Story by Robert Milliken (Black Inc, 2002).

Notes by Beth Taylor