Liyarn Ngarn: Pat Dodson on Archie Roach

Liyarn Ngarn: Pat Dodson on Archie Roach
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following program may contain images and/or audio of deceased persons
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This is an excerpt from the documentary Liyarn Ngarn, featuring renowned English actor Pete Postlethwaite, Patrick Dodson and Archie Roach, who also wrote the soundtrack.

Patrick is a Yawuru man. At the time of writing he is a senator for Western Australia, and he has been chair of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation, Commissioner into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, and a Roman Catholic priest.

The documentary's title means 'a coming together of the spirit' in the Yawuru language of the West Kimberley region in Australia's far north-west. The documentary recounts personal stories of injustices suffered by Aboriginal people since British settlement.

In this clip, both Pat and Archie explain their perspective on the connections between an individual and their family, country and their spirit.

The whole set-up feels very authentic and low-key, considering the important concepts they are discussing. That helps us stay receptive to what the men are saying. The camera is unobtrusive, making the viewer feel like just another person seated at the table listening in.

Notes by Beth Taylor and Adam Blackshaw