Looping the Loop

The poster features a man and woman gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes, framed by a looping slide with a person falling off it. At the bottom is a clown and crowd.
Looping the Loop
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Looping the Loop was a UFA production. The poster was designed by the Richardson Studio and features the two romantic leads gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes, framed by a looping slide with a person falling off it, hinting at the film’s drama. The detail of the crowd is impressively drawn and the background is bright red and orange. The colours used and the focus on the romantic leads encourage the perception that the film is a light romantic comedy, whereas it is in fact a thriller.

The film’s German title, Die Todesschleife, translates to the far more sinister ‘the death loop’, making it harder to mistake the film for a comedy. The original German poster features a clown poised to throw the unconscious woman down a slide, and uses dark purple and black to create a sense of foreboding. This Australian poster is without the same dramatic cues and suffers as a result.

This is one of two clown-focused posters in the Cinema Art collection.