The Love Epidemic Daybill

Daybill poster for film 'The Love Epidemic'. Main image of a woman standing with hands on hips wearing a bra. Three smaller framed images are underneath with film title and credits. Background colour is red and the tagline is "Nobody is immune!!"
The Love Epidemic Daybill
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The Love Epidemic is a 1975 Australian semi-documentary about venereal disease directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith. It incorporates clinical case studies and sex health instruction interspersed with comedy sketches.

This cheaply printed poster in red, black and grey reads like a health public service announcement and includes a range of illustrated 1970s social stereotypes: the mistress, the businessman and the wife.

The bold, block text screaming 'Nobody Is Immune!!' (with two exclamation marks) is reminiscent of wartime posters aimed at stirring up public fear of a common enemy. It's a straightforward but eye-catching design with the woman looking wryly at the characters below.

You get the feeling that while the subject is important, Trenchard-Smith has made an entertaining rather than humourless educational film.