The Man from Snowy River: Yugoslav poster

Poster illustrating two men glaring at each other either side of a couple riding a horse and actors' details. Film title appears at the bottom.
The Man from Snowy River: Yugoslav poster
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Yugoslav poster for the release of The Man From Snowy River. The title literally translates as 'A Man From a Silver River'.

It's always fascinating to see how international distributors present Australian films to their audiences. Whereas in Australia The Man From Snowy River is portrayed as a sweeping romance set in the beautiful highland country, this Yugoslav poster depicts the film as a stark drama, with the conflict between the two men played by Tom Burlinson and Kirk Douglas pushed to the forefront.

It is largely stripped of colour with the two men glaring at each other. After seeing this poster it would be hard for audiences to reconcile it with the film it advertises. There is conflict in the film, to be sure, but it is essentially a piece of unabashed sentimental melodrama in the tradition of Gone With the Wind. So in this sense, the poster fails to effectively interpret the film's primary qualities.