A newly minted Prime Minister

A newly minted Prime Minister
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On 31 March, 1966, the 'newly minted' Prime Minister, Harold Holt, participated in the laying of the foundation stone for the National Library of Australia.

Sir Robert Menzies officially laid the foundation stone in an unusual change from protocol. Menzies was given the honour while not being Australia’s Prime Minister. This is why the words ‘Prime Minister’ do not appear on the stone itself. Menzies had only recently resigned his office and handed over the role of Prime Minister on Australia Day 26 January, 1966, to his successor, Harold Holt. While Holt made his speech from the podium it was little more than an introduction for Menzies to be the star of the show. Menzies had groomed Holt for many years to become his successor and this was in all likelihood a chance for Holt to pay back some of his beneficence.