Physical by Juanita Coco: Young Talent Time, 1988

Physical by Juanita Coco: Young Talent Time, 1988
Johnny Young, Clearvoice Pty Ltd
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An important element of Young Talent Time was making sure audiences could identify with the team members, as well as looking up to them, and this behind-the-scenes segment featuring Juanita Coco is a good example.  

Juanita joined the show in 1987 when she was 11 years old and stayed until the program ended in 1988. Her parents and sister Belinda feature in the clip.

It is arresting to see the mountain of fan mail Juanita receives – proof of the show’s dedicated fanbase. 

After the behind-the-scenes clip Juanita sings ‘Physical’, a song written by Steve Kipner and Terry Shaddick and made famous by Olivia Newton-John. 

Other team members featured include Danielle (Dannii) Minogue (1982–88), Vince Del Tito (1983–88), Joey Dee (1987–88), Rikki Arnot (1987–88), Natalie Miller (1985–88), Beven Addinsall (1983–88), Courtney Compagnino (1986–88), Greg Poynton (1984–88) and Mark Stevens (1985–88). 

The set behind the gym props is a confusing jumble of lights, curtains and fake stone columns which does detract from the performance, however Juanita and the team perform well. 

Tragically, Juanita died in a car accident when she was 17 years old. 

This excerpt comes from episode 88/14 which was produced on 17 April 1988. This was the final year that the original Young Talent Time was produced. The last episode was broadcast on 23 December 1988. 

Notes by Beth Taylor