The Queen of Soul Comes Home

The Queen of Soul Comes Home
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This report about an Aretha Franklin concert is in a more familiar straight style of music journalism, where we experience a concert through the eyes and ears of the critic.

Writer and presenter Lillian Roxon manages to give the report her own eccentric flavour by going into detail about the ‘strange décor’ at the venue and dissecting the line-up order of the show.

Roxon’s background in writing for tabloid audiences is evident in her remarks about Franklin’s hair and clothes, but then she deliberately fleshes out her critique with more air time given to how Aretha’s performance makes the audience feel.

Roxon’s tastes were very eclectic and it’s obvious from her passionate delivery that she remains a music fan as well as a critic.

At the start and finish, Roxon skilfully delivers the necessary embedded advertisements for Brightside Shampoo in deadpan fashion before changing register as if she’s talking to a friend and getting down to the real business of her report.

This is an episode of the radio show Discotique – a two-minute ‘daily newscast from the world of music’ produced in 1971 and syndicated on 250 radio stations in the United States.

The cover image for this title is from an Atlantic Records publicity photo of Aretha Franklin. Staring straight at the camera with a look of regal confidence, this image brilliantly reinforces her image as the Queen of Soul.

Notes by Beth Taylor