Sale of the Century: Who Am I?

Sale of the Century: Who Am I?
Nine Network
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Sale of the Century was one of the most popular and long-running game shows in Australia's television history, running from 1980 to 2001.

It was based on an American game show of the same name from the 1970s.

Legendary TV producer Reg Grundy bought the rights to the program in 1980 and released a modified version of the show in Australia that year.

In this clip, from the very first episode of the show, host Tony Barber introduces ‘The Fame Game’, explaining to the contestants that a correct answer to the next question will earn them a pick from the 'Famous Faces' board where they can either win a prize or score bonus points.

The famous faces are a mixture of local and international celebrities, many of whom are linked to programs on the Nine Network.

Contestant Grant solves the puzzle after just one clue and selects Gough Whitlam from the board. Co-host Victoria Nicolls reveals he has won – 2 pewter beer steins.

'The Fame Game', which was also commonly known as 'Who Am I?', became one of the most popular segments on Sale of the Century