Shifting Sands - Passing Through: Roadside stop

Shifting Sands - Passing Through: Roadside stop
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following program may contain images and/or audio of deceased persons
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The family pull up at a gas station. The children are sent off to the toilet. Margie (Margaret Harvey) spies two elders Bert Nandy (Bruce Oliver) and Uncle Sam (Gnarnayarrahe Waitarie) sitting in a shed across the road. Flashback; a young Margie (Llania Pender) skipping a hoop across the road. Present; Margie gets out of the car. She tells Charlie (Luke Elliot) she’s going for a yarn. Margie approaches the elders who introduce themselves. Charlie enters the shop. The two children Janaya (Janaya Pender) and Shannon (Shannon Elliot) are in an old corrugated toilet. They run out screaming. They run to their father in the shop.

Summary by Romaine Moreton