Sir Robert Menzies: Our Coronation Tour - Coronation and Procession

Sir Robert Menzies: Our Coronation Tour - Coronation and Procession
Heather Henderson
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This clip from a home movie, filmed by Australian Prime Minister, Sir Robert Menzies, shows Queen Elizabeth II arriving at Westminster Abbey in a horse-drawn carriage for her coronation on 2 June 1953. She alights from the carriage surrounded by her Maids of Honour and enters the Abbey. The Groom of the Robes delivers the Robe Royal of Pall cloth of gold with the Stole Royal to the Dean of Westminster, who, assisted by the Mistress of the Robes, puts it upon the Queen. The Lord Great Chamberlain fastens the clips.

The Archbishop of Canterbury gives the Sceptre and then the Rod with the Dove to the Queen. The Archbishop then lowers a crown onto her head then kisses her right hand. The Duke of Edinburgh then ascends the steps of the Throne, and having taken off his coronet, kneels down and places his hands between the Queen’s and says the words of Homage. Then her Majesty leaves the Chapel wearing her Crown and bearing the Sceptre and the Orb.

Summary by Elizabeth Taggart-Speers