Sons of Australia

Sons of Australia
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Sons of Australia was written by prolific English music hall composer Felix McGlennon in 1900, during the Second Boer War. This was one year before Federation, and Australia’s colonial forces were fighting in South Africa as six separate colonies. The Sydney Stock and Station Journal wrote in May 1900 that the song, ‘bids fair to be as popular as any that has preceded it, for it is strong, martial, and musical…. The words are fiery and the music is suited to it, and the piece is likely to be exceedingly popular.’

During Australia’s participation in the First World War, ‘Sons of Australia’ became popular all over again. This recording, by English baritone singer Stanley Kirkby, was released on the Zonophone label in 1915.


Sons of Australia lyrics:


Sons of Australia

Hear the Mother calling

Calling to her boys who’re

Scattered far and wide

Sons of Australia

Hear those insults galling

She who bore you wants her offspring

Standing by her side

Bred for fighting, built to stay

Never yielding, never knew the way

When they defied our Mother

Threatened with their guns

Did they think that such a grand Old Mother had no sons?


Did they think that England stood alone?

Have they heard how to her side we’ve flown?

Sons of Australia

Strike for your Empire Grand,

Fight as your Mother taught you to,

For the dear old land


Sons of Australia

Are your pulses thrilling?

Thrilling at the chance to thrash

Your Empire’s foes

Sons of Australia

How your ranks are filling

As you think of Motherland

Your hearts’ blood quicker flows

Pluck and muscle, blood and brain

Born of heroes linked in Empire’s chain

Proud of your grand old birthright

Glorious and free

Mighty Monarch of the Nation’s ruler of the sea


Did they think that England stood alone?

Have they heard how to her side we’ve flown?

Sons of Australia

Strike for your Empire Grand,

Fight as your Mother taught you to,

For the dear old land

VERSE 3 (not included in this recording)

Sons of Australia

Read your Empire’s story

How your Father’s built it

Shall that Empire wane?

Sons of Australia

Ne’ver must fade their glory

Vow what gallant sires have fought for

Their sons will maintain

Heav’n hath willed it

Tis decreed world wide

Rulers we the grand old breed

We who have fought for freedom

Scorning all things base

Must fulfil our destiny

To be the ruling race