Storm Boy - Ocean Studies guide

Black and white cover of the Ocean Studies guide to Storm Boy. Features image of Storm Boy (Greg Rowe) in silhouette walking along the beach with Mr Percival the pelican following after him
Storm Boy - Ocean Studies guide
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Page ten of the Survival/Metro Storm Boy: Ocean Studies Guide. The 25 page guide was included as a supplement in Metro Magazine in 1978. The guide includes ideas for excursions, activities, information about animals and a shell guide, using the film Storm Boy as the central text to inspire an exploration of the ocean.

This opening of the guide shows examples of observation exercises for students at the beach. Students are encouraged to observe the tides, and different types of birds and crabs. Examples of the birds the students might observe are illustrated in silhouettes next to the exercise. This thorough study guide, with its skilful combination of information, activities, film stills and illustrations, is an excellent example of how the film was marketed to the educational sector, and shows why the film went on to become such a key text in the Australian curriculum for decades.

Notes by Beth Taylor