Strictly Ballroom alternate Australian poster

Strictly Ballroom poster with images of Tara Morice, Paul Mercurio and Sonia Kruger
Strictly Ballroom alternate Australian poster
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An alternate Australian poster design prepared for the home viewing release of Strictly Ballroom and based on the successful US marketing campaign for the film. 

This is a very bold and eye-catching poster with three dramatically cropped and striking faces. Framing these faces is the film's title in large, yellow block text at the top and bottom of the poster. The text attracts the viewer like a newspaper hoarding. The expressions on the faces of the three people effectively conveys some of the strongest moods in the film - seduction, determination and humour - even if they do not actually provide any indication of the film's storyline.The additional text at the very top of the poster, 'Wildly Original, Daringly Different, Totally Outrageous', if not matching the faces precisely, enhances the dramatic quality of the poster. The text at the bottom, 'Tradition Bites the Dust', is somewhat flippant but effectively sums up the film's central storyline. The poster is a tightly constructed and well thought-out design.