Virtual Whadjuk: A Cultural Experience in Virtual Reality

Virtual Whadjuk: A Cultural Experience in Virtual Reality
Periscope Pictures
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This clip is a brief excerpt from the Virtual Reality experience, Virtual Whadjuk (2019) by Periscope Pictures

Virtual Whadjuk is a time machine that strips away the city highrises and transports audiences back nearly 200 years, placing them into a thriving Aboriginal Australian culture and pre-city flora, fauna and landscapes, as they existed in the moments leading up to first contact with Europeans. The unique interactive documentary experience blends new mapping technologies, accurately generated landscapes, botanical data, 3D animation and interactive tasks with traditional documentary elements, giving users an Aboriginal body in which to experience a robust and deeply spiritual culture in the hours and moments before the first ship of European colonists arrived.

Summary by Periscope Pictures

View the Virtual Whadjuk trailer here.