The Woman Suffers: A daughter’s ruin

The Woman Suffers: A daughter’s ruin
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The Woman Suffers was filmed in South Australia and opened in March 1918 at the Theatre Royal, Adelaide, to rave reviews.

This clip shows Philip (Boyd Irwin) bringing Marjory (Lottie Lyell) home after a day’s outing, during which they have become lovers. Mrs Manton (Connie Martyn) sends her to her room for being so late home. The next section of the film is missing – during which Marjory realises she is pregnant and that Philip has probably abandoned her. According to the written scenario, lodged by Longford at the time, Marjory in despair buys medicine at the chemist, prays for help, and throws herself on the bed sobbing. Mrs Manton hears her sobs and enters the room. The extant footage begins again with the letter to ‘Jack’ – the fake name that Philip is using. Mrs Manton reads the letter and realises her daughter is pregnant. Their argument alerts Ralph, the brother, who demands to know the name of her lover. Marjory refuses to tell him. Summary by Paul Byrnes.