World Series Cricket Ad 1980: Australia v West Indies

World Series Cricket Ad 1980: Australia v West Indies
Nine Network
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This ad features players from the popular West Indian cricket team and shows how valuable they were at the time in terms of entertainment and promotion of cricket in Australia.

The West Indian team had dominated world cricket throughout the 1970s and were a big drawcard for spectators.

Following an agreement between Kerry Packer and the Australian Cricket Board in mid-1979, World Series Cricket players were once again able to be selected for the 'official' Australian cricket team.

This advertisement, created by Sydney ad agency Mojo Partners, is part of a campaign that illustrates the impact 'The Packer Revolution' had on official cricket.

Prominent throughout the campaign is the use of the successful Mojo Singers 'C'mon Aussie C'mon' tune.

The revised lyrics to 'C'mon Aussie C'mon' in this clip playfully reference the rivalry between the 2 teams and present the improved Australian side as a challenger to the superior West Indies team.

While the identity of the vocalists is unknown, if the Caribbean accent was imitated this ad could be considered offensive today. The style of the ad is reflective of the period in which it was produced, in 1979–80.