A Year to Remember 1932: Harbour Bridge opening controversy

A Year to Remember 1932: Harbour Bridge opening controversy
Cinesound Movietone Productions
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A Cinesound Movietone newsreel summary of the year of 1932. This excerpt mentions the Great Depression and covers the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge opening with NSW Governor Sir Phillip Game and NSW Premier Jack Lang.

It shows footage of Francis de Groot cutting the ribbon and the official opening by Lang after the ribbon was retied. Horse-drawn floats carry a procession of Harbour Bridge workers and other themed floats.

The voice-over notes the 'good sorts and good sports' in the surfing carnival procession.

It is estimated that over 300,000 men, women and children crossed the bridge that day. People and cars cross the bridge after the opening.

Toll collectors in uniform stand out in the open collecting tolls.

Scenes from outside the Sydney's central police court where Francis de Groot appears and is fine five pounds for offensive behaviour. Colonel Campbell - one of the founders of the far-right paramilitary group the New Guard of which de Groot was a member - appears outside the court.

There are noisy demonstrations from both supporters and detractors of the New Guard.

Notes by Beth Taylor