Batman & Robin + Discussion PG

A woman and two men dressed as super heroes in a scene from the film Batman & Robin.
08 November
Arc Cinema
Free (bookings essential)
Dir: Joel Schumacher, PG, United States, 1997, 125mins, DCP,

‘Allow me to break the ice...’

The DC universe is populated with scientists. From Harley Quinn to Swamp Thing, scientists appear as troubled and troubling vaude-villains, as suspicious Frankensteinian creature-creators and enigmatic alchemists engaging in violent delights.

Joel Schumacher’s 1997 American superhero film Batman & Robin features two spectacular examples: Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman) and Mr Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger) – and thus science galore!

This evening is not only about the biologist behind Poison Ivy and the cryogenicist behind Freeze, but also about why they are so insanely, deliciously ridiculous and (thus) worth a closer look from both a science and humour perspective.

The introduction to the film will discuss the research on science in comics and popular film being undertaken at the ANU and take you on a journey through the mesmerising scientist narratives of the DC universe.

After the screening, there will be plenty of time for your thoughts, comments and questions about the film. There is good reason to expect a wildly entertaining and amusing film night and discussion!

‘An amiable, almost farcical Batman episode, with George in Nespresso mode’ - The Guardian

This screening is part of the SCIENCE. ART. FILM. series presented by the National Film and Sound Archive, Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science and ANU Humanities Research Centre.



Dr Erica Seccombe is a practising artist with 30 years' experience working, teaching and contributing to the sector, and is a Senior Lecturer at the ANU School of Art Design. Her interdisciplinary art-science practice spans traditional lens-based imaging and print media and drawing to experimental digital platforms using frontier scientific visualisation software. A continuing theme arising in her work is the complex human relationships we have with nature and our natural environments, whether through a social, cultural or techno-scientific focus.

Philip Meddows was once well known as DyslexicBeanie, a Canberra documentarian who would cover local events on his YouTube channel via a daily vlog. He has more prominently been involved in creating award-winning interactive educational programs for the Canberra Institute of Technology and the Australian War Memorial, as well as having written, directed and produced a TV Pilot called Tradies about a family involved in the criminal underworld of blue-collar workers. This year he became the programmer for the Emerging Films Festival, showcasing new artists with unique visual storytelling talent, and is a resident of the Films Plus collaborative space supported by the Academy of Interactive Entertainment.



Dr Anna-Sophie Jürgens is a Lecturer in Popular Entertainment Studies at the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science and the Head of the Popsicule – ANU’s Science in Popular Culture and Entertainment Hub. Her research explores the cultural meanings of science.


Special event

As part of this film night we will launch a special episode of Sci_Burst! Sci_Burst is a monthly science communication podcast about science, popular culture and entertainment, co-hosted by Isabel Richards and Ella McCarthy. Episode 15 will explore science through the medium of comics and their adaptations, including Batman & Robin.

Isabel Richards is a Science Communication graduate and Research Officer at the Australian National University’s School of Cybernetics. She studies science in popular fiction, the cultural meanings of science and the relationships between humans, the environment and emerging technologies. 

Ella McCarthy recently graduated with a double Bachelor of Arts/Science with majors in Science Communication, Biological Anthropology, English and Digital Humanities. She is Operational Lead at ANU Solar Racing and currently completing her Honours year in science communication.



Bookings are essential for all ticketed events. See our Visit Us page for more venue information. 


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