NFSA Connects with '4'

Watch violinist Niki Vasilakis and producer Joanna Buggy
 Imelda Cooney

On 16 September, violinist Niki Vasilakis and producer Joanna Buggy discussed their documentary film '4' via videoconference with over 60 music and media students.

On 16 September, highly-acclaimed violinist, Niki Vasilakis and producer Joanna Buggy discussed the documentary film 4 via videoconference with over 60 music and media students from around the state of South Australia, including students at the event’s location – Christies Beach High School, south of Adelaide.

Made in 2007, 4 revolves around four internationally-renowned violinists who go on a journey inspired by Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’.

Filmed in four continents through the four seasons Niki Vasilakis, as one of the featured violinist, plays the summer movement at a concert on a hot, humid and stormy Thursday Island.

Organised by NFSA’s [p[School Screen]] as the inaugural NFSA Connects event, Niki and Joanna fielded questions from students as far away as Streaky Bay (700km west of Adelaide) and Kingston (300km east of Adelaide). The students had watched the film prior to the videoconference and asked a variety of questions about the making of the documentary as well as Niki’s personal journey with music.

This opportunity to engage with professionals in the creative arts industry, to learn about their experiences and hear stories of their working lives was declared a rousing success by all involved. Many thanks to all the students and staff who participated and to Christies Beach High School for hosting the event.

Watch the videos from the event below.

Joanna Buggy explains how decisions were made about locations and connecting them to the music

Niki Vasilakis talks of different interpretations of music

Joanna Buggy describes the varied weather conditions during filming

Niki Vasilakis talks of learning to connect with music emotionally

Joanna Buggy explains the editing process of the documentary

Niki Vasilakis describes her inspiration for playing the violin

Joanna Buggy describes the genesis of the film

Niki Vasilakis responds to the question 'Have you ever been called a music nerd?’

Niki Vasilakis talks of how different cultures are able to connect through music

Niki Vasilakis talks of why she picked the violin and not another instrument

Niki Vasilakis describes how she chooses her music

Niki Vasilakis talks of how emotions affect her playing

Niki Vasilakis describes how life is always changing, personally and musically

Niki Vasilakis describes why she took up violin and who inspired her