NFSA connects with Aden Young

Watch clips of Young and director Ian Darling
 Imelda Cooney

Director-producer Ian Darling and actor Aden Young discuss In the Company of Actors with school students as part of a NFSA Connects videoconference.

Aden Young discusses Andrew Upton’s adaptation of the play

Ian Darling and Aden Young discuss how the filming impacted on rehearsals

Aden Young and Ian Darling describe the differences between Australian and American audience reactions

Ian Darling and Aden Young discuss the difficulties of moving the production to New York

Ian Darling explains the reasons for camera positions

Aden Young talks about re-visiting his character for the second time

Aden Young explains how he prepared for his role in Hedda Gabler

Ian Darling and Aden Young respond to how they enjoyed this videoconference