Cooee Cabaret final tour

Cricket, war, speeches and an anthem
 Beth Taylor

After touring Queensland, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and Western Australia over the last three years, Cooee Cabaret had its final tour in May.

We were lucky to have a diverse range of local talent supporting each show.

The Roof Goats from Bunbury performed their jaunty ode to street cricket, ‘Cricket Match’.


In Margaret River, Red Dress sang their song ‘Spirit of Crete’ about the true story of Geoffrey Edwards from Armadale, Western Australia. A soldier in Second World War, Geoffrey and many of his fellow soldiers were saved by Cretan locals, including Monks of the Holy Monastery of Preveli during the Battle of Crete in 1941. Geoffrey vowed never to forget their kindness, and in 1978, he began construction of the St. John The Theologian chapel in Prevelly (his rendering of the Monastery’s name) Western Australia.


Richie Tassicker sang his original song ‘Everyone’ about social inclusion and togetherness in Mandurah.


Margot Edwards from Margaret River performed an excerpt from Dorothy Tangney’s maiden-speech as the first woman elected to the Australian Senate.


You can watch all of their performances, along with many other videos, on our YouTube Channel.