Help the NFSA's waifs and strays

Can you identify these images?
 Miguel Gonzalez

The NFSA has almost two million items in the national collection. Our experts know a lot about most of them… but there are always exceptions.

These photos are some of the NFSA’s ‘waifs and strays’ – we don’t know where they came from or what films they represent. Can you help us identify them? If you recognise any of the actors, or if you know any of these films, please leave a comment on this blog post or email

Take a look at the gallery to see what’s been identified so far, and please share it via Twitter or Facebook with all your film buff friends!

Your participation will allow us to improve our records.

UPDATE 19 September 2013: Thanks to our followers, 34 of the NFSA’s ‘waifs and strays’ have already been identified! We have leads for a further 18, but there are still 6 we know nothing about. Can you help us? Do you know any film buffs interested in the challenge? Please share this album with them so we can solve this mystery! Any leads are useful.