Long live Priscilla!

The Adventures of Priscilla lives on at the NFSA

Original film components now at the NFSA
 Tara Marynowsky
Stephan Elliott at the NFSA, October 2014

The key components of one of Australia’s most celebrated feature films, The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert have now been acquired by the NFSA.

In the film's 20th anniversary year (2014), it was a pleasure to meet with director Stephan Elliot and executive producer Rebel Penfold-Russell to sort through their film collection at the NFSA warehouse based in Mitchell, Canberra.

During their visit we were able to identify the key film components of Priscilla that are necessary for preservation – the 35mm sound negative, 35mm A&B original final cut negative, 35mm interdupe and final mix sound reels.

These film components are crucial for preservation and for any future restoration work that may be required down the track. By acquiring all of these elements we are able to ensure the best possible preservation outcome for future generations.

Stephan and Rebel were a delight to work with and it is clear that they have a great passion for film and its physical form. It was especially great that they took the time out to travel to Canberra to sort through the collection. Having not seen the actual film reels for years Stephan and Rebel were excited to view the old cans again. We took lots of photos and even some selfies to mark the occasion!

See an extensive array of collection items relating to The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert in our online collection.