Jamie Gulpilil stands in a canoe in an Arnhem Land swamp

NFSA Connects Ten Canoes

With Rolf de Heer and Frances Djulibing
 Imelda Cooney

Students in NSW engaged in a Q&A with Ten Canoes (2006) director Rolf de Heer and Frances Djulibing from Ramingining, who played the lead female role.

Watch videos from the Q&A session below.

Rolf explains why the film alternates between black and white and colour footage

Rolf explains why casting was not about experience

Rolf describes his experiences living traditional Aboriginal life

Rolf discusses whether he thinks the film promotes human rights and social justice

Frances talks about whether she thinks the film helps non-Indigenous people to understand Indigenous culture better

Rolf describes the genesis of Ten Canoes

Frances explains how she thinks the film impacted herself and the community

Rolf explains why Ten Canoes is not considered a violent film

Rolf talks about how and why he was mindful of tribal customs and beliefs

Rolf discusses the tradition of older men having younger wives

Rolf talks about the validation the community felt they got from the film

Rolf explains how making the film impacted on his understanding of Indigenous culture

Rolf describes how he felt when he first went to Arnhem Land

Frances talks about what she thought of the script when she first read it