The Art of Sound: from west to east

Coming soon to Caboolture
 Brendan Smith

Brendan Smith, the NFSA’s Regional Programs Manager, previews the upcoming third edition of The Art of Sound exhibition in Queensland.
Behind the scenes at Caboolture Regional Gallery.

With the NFSA’s new project The Art of Sound now firmly established and the second exhibition up and running at the Holmes a Court Gallery at Vasse Felix in south-west WA, we’ve begun working on Exhibition No 3 – this time in partnership with the Caboolture Regional Art Gallery in regional Queensland.

The Caboolture Regional Art Gallery is part of Moreton Bay Council (north of Brisbane) and the gallery collection is an amalgamation of Pine Rivers, Redcliffe and Caboolture gallery collections. Claire Sourgnes, the gallery director, now has the NFSA sound palette and will be working with her curators over the coming months familiarising themselves with the diverse recordings and curating artworks to accompany selected sounds from the palette. The exhibition will be launched in mid-October.
Behind the scenes at Caboolture Regional Gallery.

Recently The Art of Sound collaborative partner James Hurley from the University of Technology, Sydney, and I visited Claire and the Caboolture Gallery, to check out the space and prepare for the upcoming exhibition.

This included visiting the art store below the gallery and the new multimedia space, currently showcasing the interdisciplinary collaborative installation Score for A Mineral Landscape.

We look forward to seeing what artworks Claire and her team select for The Art of Sound and to creating an engaging, fun and delightful exhibition for the Caboolture community.

The gallery space at Caboolture Regional Gallery. Courtesy of Moreton Bay Regional Council. Photographer: Al Sim