Five women standing in a row against a colourful background. In front of them are a lot of bells

The Marvellous Corricks: Quiz

The Marvellous Corricks quiz

Take Our Quiz in the Galleries Below

The Corrick family have been entertaining audiences around Australia since 1902, with their vaudeville stage act and imported and homemade films. 

Scroll down to test your knowledge and answer 3 questions about the Corricks. Each question is in an image gallery – let the characters in the gifs guide your way!

Are you ready for your first question?

It's about travel.


Question 1: Where in the world?

Answer the first question in the image gallery below. Click on the arrows or scroll right to see the picture clue and find the answer!

Are you ready for the second question?

It's about fashion.


Question 2: Fashion forward

Answer the second question in the image gallery below. Click on the arrows or scroll right to see the picture clue and find the answer!

Are you ready for the third and final question?

It's electric! 


Question 3: Staying current

Answer the third and final question in the image gallery below. Click on the arrows or scroll to the right to see the picture clue and find the answer!


To learn about how we're preserving the Corrick films and keeping this amazing collection alive for future generations, follow the More to Explore links below.

Moving image credits:

La Peine du Talion. Pathé Frères, 1905. NFSA title: 797779

Les Invisibles, Pathé Frères, 1907. NFSA title: 16502

La Ruche Merveilleuse. Pathé Frères, 1905. NFSA title: 717484