Media Release

Compelling drama, feature films, music and performance titles will come together this NAIDOC Week on the NFSA’s new digital streaming platform NFSA Player, launching today across Australia.  

The Buwindja Collection of 17 titles will be available to audiences via NFSA Player, a transactional streaming and video-on-demand platform giving Australia access to a selection of curated content reflecting this year’s NAIDOC Week theme of For Our Elders.  

Buwindja (‘Remember’ in Dharawal) showcases the trailblazers, icons and dreamers who have forged a path for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander content makers in recent years, and includes feature films, documentaries, TV series and animation.  

Highlights include Warwick Thornton’s award-winning Samson & Delilah, Rachel Perkins’ extraordinary feature film Mabo, Stephen Page’s dance film Spear, drama series The Gods of Wheat Street, Essie Coffey’s landmark documentary My Survival as an Aboriginal, the rock n’ roll documentary Wrong Side of the Road and biographical features about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders such as Noel Tovey and Ruby Langford Ginibi.  

In 2023, NFSA celebrates NAIDOC and its theme ‘For our Elders’ with Ngara, Buwindja, Nangamai (Listen, Remember, Dream in Dharawal language), a program curated by Gillian Moody. Moody, a Wodi Wodi woman, is an award-winning filmmaker and the NFSA’s Senior Manager, Indigenous Connections. Ngara features a range of screenings and events at NFSA’s home venue in Acton, Canberra, while Nangamai explores content from the national audiovisual collection published at 

Buwindja represents an opportunity for Australians to reflect on the part they play in ensuring that the voice that our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders have fought for in the past and present continues to be heard,’ said Gillian Moody. ‘I curated it with the hope of inspiring audiences to reflect, imagine and act when they listen to and watch these stories.’ 

NFSA Player contains both free and pay-per-view content, and forms part of the NFSA’s strategic ambition to make the national audiovisual collection more accessible all over Australia.  

NFSA Player will be live at from Thursday June 22.  

Images and vision here.   

Media enquiries: 

Louise Alley | Communications Manager | 0422 348 652 |