Molecular sieve


Molecular sieve is a promising new technology developed by Eastman Kodak Company that has the ability to retard the vinegar syndrome reaction.

Simply stated, the inclusion of molecular sieve with processed motion picture film in a sealed container has the ability to extend the life of dye images and film support beyond that which is currently considered normal.

Molecular seives have been tested on a world-wide basis to confirm the effectiveness of this product. These tests were done in 1993 by well known film archives in Australia, Belgium, Canada, England, France, Japan and the USA. Their results were promising. (Kodak)

Molecular sieve is held in a semi-permeable packet that allows vapours to be easily scavenged and contained. The packets are placed evenly around the outside circumference of the film roll. The packets can be folded lengthwise for 16 mm applications. Each Molecular Sieve packet contains 12.5 grams of Molecular Sieve desiccant.