TAGGED: Marius Sestier

This footage of a man performing on rollerskates for a crowd in a park is thought to be Australia’s earliest surviving film.


As the 120th anniversary of cinema in Australia creeps up on us, Curator Sally Jackson takes a moment to consider how Australians recognise their cinema heritage.


Curator Sally Jackson researches famous faces and fashions of the 1896 Melbourne Cup.


The Marius Sestier film previously believed to have been shot in a Melbourne park has now been identified as being shot in Sydney's Prince Alfred Park.


One of the first films ever recorded in Australia screens 12 times a day in Federation Square in the lead-up to the 150th Melbourne Cup.


The earliest surviving film shot in Australia screens at the Melbourne International Film Festival.


Today, the release of 'Patineur Grotesque' and the visit of Marius Sestier’s descendants, Mons. Robert Sestier and his sister, Mme Marie-Dominique Petitbois was celebrated in Arc cinema.